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Transforming with Generative AI: Pluto7’s ‘Planning in a Box’ Earns Mention in Gartner’s Guide

July 5, 2023 | Zeeshan Aga

Blog / Transforming with Generative AI: Pluto7’s ‘Planning in a Box’ Earns Mention in Gartner’s Guide

We are thrilled to share some exciting news. Recently, Gartner, one of the world’s leading research and advisory firms, named Pluto7 as a representative vendor in its Market Guide for Analytics and Decision Intelligence Platforms in Supply Chain. This recognition reflects our relentless commitment to offering transformative solutions that drive business results for our customers.

Unveiling the Power of Decision Intelligence

The essence of decision intelligence lies in its ability to bring significant analytical power closer to decision-makers, enabling the generation of informed, timely, and effective decisions. In the ever-complex and data-rich landscape of the supply chain, such capabilities are no longer a luxury—they are a necessity.

Why Gartner Chose Pluto7

Our inclusion in Gartner’s Market Guide validates the unique value we deliver to our customers. We believe it reflects our successful efforts in integrating advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) with SAP data, offering transformative supply chain and marketing solutions.

Some key reasons for our recognition include:

  • Proven capabilities: Our Decision Intelligence Platform democratizes access to data and leverages Google Cloud’s robust analytics and AI capabilities to enable businesses to make informed, effective decisions. 
  • Successful use cases: Our esteemed clientele, including ABInBev, Levi’s, and Ulta Beauty, have experienced significant business results from our platform, reinforcing our expertise and potential.
  • Data Hub: We generate a single, harmonized supply chain data layer that integrates and enriches data from various sources. This facilitates near-real-time visibility and superior data management and visualization.
  • Supply Chain AI-Driven Simulation and Optimization: We empower businesses with AI/ML algorithms for what-if simulations, predictions, and suggestions. This allows the development and publishing of customer-specific apps, aiding in the optimization of supply chain processes.
  • Closed Loop Model Improvement: Our platform’s self-learning capability based on decision audit data ensures continuous improvement and optimization of its analytical models.
  • Prepackaged Apps for Leading Use Cases: We offer prepackaged apps that can be tailored to individual client needs, supporting a wide array of use cases.
  • Augmented Analytics: By harnessing the power of Generative AI powered by Google Cloud, we enable businesses to consume analytics in the form of data stories. This augmented approach simplifies the interpretation and utilization of data insights.
  • Unified Platform: We bring analytics and business intelligence (ABI) and data science and machine learning (DSML) platforms together as a single platform, facilitating seamless data-driven decision-making processes.

Delivering Business Results Rapidly

At Pluto7, we’ve always focused on delivering real business results. We pride ourselves on our ability to deploy our solutions quickly and enable tangible business outcomes in eight weeks or less. It’s not just about providing a technology solution; it’s about driving transformative change that propels businesses forward.

Being recognized by Gartner is a significant milestone for us. It testifies to our vision, hard work, and the robust capabilities we bring to the table. It’s an acknowledgment from one of the world’s most reputed voices in technology selection, further cementing our commitment to driving change through decision intelligence.

We want to take this moment to express our gratitude to our customers, partners, and the dedicated Pluto7 team. This recognition belongs to everyone who has been a part of our journey. As we look to the future, we remain committed to innovating and delivering solutions that transform businesses and help them stay ahead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

We invite you to download Gartner’s Market Guide for a more comprehensive understanding of the Analytics and Decision Intelligence Platforms in the Supply Chain landscape and learn why Gartner recognized Pluto7.

The endorsement from Gartner validates our commitment to providing cutting-edge, industry-standard solutions that cater to your unique business needs. When you choose Pluto7, you’re not just selecting a platform; you’re partnering with a recognized leader in planning platforms, data platforms, and composable solutions.

Our solutions are tried and tested, having received validation from customers and industry authorities alike, including Google Cloud and SAP. This means that when you trust us with your business, you’re adopting a market-proven solution that accelerates your journey to valuable insights and robust decision-making. Embarking on this journey with Pluto7 empowers your organization to thrive in an increasingly data-driven landscape.

If you are interested in exploring how Pluto7’s Decision Intelligence Platform can drive transformation in your business, get in touch with us today. We’d love to show you the Pluto7 difference.



Zeeshan Aga, CMO of Pluto7, brings a deep understanding of supply chain, retail, and manufacturing to his role. He develops and executes innovative marketing strategies that drive business growth and enhance customer satisfaction. He is dedicated to unlocking the full potential of AI/ML tools for marketing excellence and delivering exceptional customer experiences.

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