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Your Guide to Adopting a Digital Supply Chain in 2024 for Efficient Decision Making

January 3, 2024 | Manju Devadas

Blog / Your Guide to Adopting a Digital Supply Chain in 2024 for Efficient Decision Making

“We would need an army of data scientists to make faster decisions on pricing and inventory levels. With Google Cloud Platform machine learning and artificial intelligence, we don’t need that. We can make much faster pricing decisions to optimize profitability and move inventory.”

Deepak Mehrotra
Co-founder & Chief Adventurer,

In the trenches of supply chain management, demand planners are well-acquainted with the labyrinth of spreadsheets. Daily, they navigate through rows and columns, crunching numbers and piecing together data from various sources. The flexibility is undeniable, but so are the limitations. The endless manual data entry, the risk of human error, and the struggle to keep pace with real-time market changes – these are everyday challenges. Yet, the comfort of familiarity keeps us tethered to these traditional methods.

The Imperative Shift: Why Now?

As we stand at the cusp of 2024, clinging to the old ways is no longer an option. The external market factors have become too volatile, and supply chain complexities too intricate. The world has moved beyond static data and isolated spreadsheets. Real-time responsiveness and proactive strategy are the new norms. In such a dynamic landscape, how can we, as demand planners, evolve?

Running a real-time supply chain and making quick decisions doesn’t have to be complex. It’s about smartly blending the right technologies with people and processes.

Making the Transition to Digital Supply Chain  

When we hear “digital supply chain,” it often conjures images of a radical, overnight transformation that could upheave our current processes. There’s a common misconception that it requires massive capital investment, extensive retraining, and a steep learning curve. However, the reality is much more approachable and scalable than that. Many concepts from digital twin, control tower to command center have evolved over time all addressing the same point of making better supply chain decisions. 

At its core, a digital supply chain is about reframing supply chain management through the lens of data. It’s not about discarding existing processes but enhancing them with digital capabilities. This evolution involves leveraging data to make informed decisions, ensuring transparency and efficiency at every step.

A fully evolved digital supply chain is a powerhouse of autonomy and insight. It includes features like:

  • Harnessing AI and machine learning to make autonomous, real-time decisions without constant human intervention. Simple decisions when automated give the most ROI.
  • Providing a holistic, bird’s-eye view of the entire supply chain leveraging existing data and systems the way they exist and are used first. E.g. coexisting with your SAP systems
  • Enabling stakeholders to query and interact with their data in natural language, allows supply chain users to speak and get responses without having to learn new technologies.
  • Automatically incorporating relevant external data (like market trends and consumer behaviors) to enrich decision-making.

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Real-World Case Studies to Inspire You 

AB InBev transformed decision-making with digital supply chain

Image Source: AB InBev

Here are some practical examples of how a digital supply chain can transform decision-making:

  1. Accurate Demand Forecasting: By tracking online shopping trends and weather forecasts, AI helps Tacori predict what products will be in demand, ensuring they’re never overstocked or understocked. Dive into Tacori’s Transformation.  
  2. Real-Time Inventory Management: California Design Den (CDD) gets instant alerts when stock levels drop, allowing them to reorder before stocks run out. Dive into CDD’s Transformation. 
  3. Machine Learning Driven Supplier Selection: Ulta Beauty quickly identifies the best suppliers based on delivery times, quality, and cost, making procurement smoother and more reliable. Dive into Ulta’s Transformation
  4. Proactive Risk Mitigation: AI alerts Lixil/American Standard to potential supply chain disruptions from events like strikes or natural disasters, allowing them to pivot plans in advance. Dive into Lixil/American Standard’s Transformation.
  5. Optimized Manufacturing: AB InBev predicts when machines need maintenance before they break down and schedules production based on actual demand, reducing waste and downtime. Dive into ABInBev’s Transformation.

No More Year-Long Data Transformation Projects, Shift to Digital Supply Chain with Pluto7 in 4 Weeks

At Pluto7, we understand that companies, regardless of their size or tech maturity, face unique challenges in their digital transformation journey. We specialize in working with a diverse range of businesses, from those with advanced tech infrastructures to those just beginning to build their data foundations. The key is to explore and learn through real-world adoption of the platform solving real problems.

Our Decision Intelligence Platforms

We offer three interconnected decision intelligence platforms, each tailored to specific needs:

Streamlining Your Journey with Pluto7

Pinpointing Your Business Challenge: We start by zeroing in on a key business issue. Our approach is focused and fast, offering a tailored, SaaS-like onboarding in under 4 weeks. Start with one impactful use case.

Laying the Data Foundation: Leveraging Google Cloud Cortex, we centralize data on Pluto7’s platform, setting the stage for sophisticated analytics and insights. Bring your key data together, faster.

Choosing the Ideal Platform: We match your challenge with the right platform, be it for inventory, demand sensing, or manufacturing, ensuring a perfect fit for your needs. We simplify your technology adoption change management e.g. GCP. 

Seamless Deployment: Our platforms are deployed directly onto the client’s cloud tenant. Rather than replacing existing systems, they are designed to seamlessly integrate and synchronize with them. Our faster installers save time, and your efforts are reduced significantly. 

Quick Implementation: From identifying your challenge to deploying the solution, the entire process is efficient and rapid, typically wrapping up in 4 weeks.

With Pluto7, the journey to a digital supply chain is not just about adopting new technologies; it’s about empowering businesses with the tools they need to make informed, data-driven decisions in a rapidly evolving market landscape. To learn more, request a demo.


Manju Devadas is the Founder and CEO of Pluto7, bringing 20+ years of experience in predictive analytics for Supply Chain, Retail and Manufacturing. With expertise in AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning, he has been instrumental in improving efficiency and strategic growth across industries.

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