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Hyperleap with Pluto7 x Google Cloud: Forget Dashboards, Talk to Your Data with Generative AI

April 9, 2024 | Manju Devadas

Blog / Hyperleap with Pluto7 x Google Cloud: Forget Dashboards, Talk to Your Data with Generative AI

Data is growing at an incredible pace, and it’s everywhere. But here’s the thing: while we’re swimming in data, from every click to every swipe, we still cannot figure out why there’s a sudden demand spike in New York or why shelves in Los Angeles are overflowing with unsold products. 

The need right now is to be able to look into the existing data, whether it’s from SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, or any other source, and find insights.  Insights that tell us what customers will want next, where the next big demand will be, or how to tackle that tricky issue of excess inventory.

But how do you make that shift? How do you tap into your existing data, into the power of AI and Gen AI, and solve your biggest challenges not six months down the line, not tomorrow, but now? And believe me, when I say this to you, it starts right here.

Earlier, it used to take months before SAP data could be made ready for analysis; now, it takes hours. It was common to hear, “We are using ECC and will soon be migrating to S4 HANA; we can start with AI only after the migration is done.” Today, the situation is drastically different. 

With Google Cloud and its innovative tools like BigQuery or Vertex AI, orchestrating all that data becomes simpler. Today, you can connect your SAP data with Salesforce, blend it with external datasets from Google Trends, and get real-time demand sensing alerts, all of it, in less than 24 hours.

Before diving into the blog, let’s reflect on a recent statement by NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang. He mentioned, and many of you might have caught this, “You don’t need to learn coding.” Is this an ambitious claim? Perhaps, but in the world of supply chain, it’s pretty spot on. Here’s what’s happening:

  • Demand Planners are using our platform, Planning in a Box, to blend datasets with just a simple natural language query. No code, just plain English.
  • Manufacturing teams are cutting down on defect rates by getting Gemini to look over images and spot the issues. Again, no coding required.
  • Global supply chain teams across Dubai, Spain, and Russia are querying live data in their own languages, and they’re reducing data analysis time by 90%.

The big picture here is that companies are spending way less time on data engineering work. They’re not bogged down training their teams on how to mix datasets or set up automated pipelines. Instead, they’re channeling their energies into solving their core business problems.

So, let’s talk about how we turn this capability into action. Whether it’s responding to real-time events affecting your supply chain, like a strike in Baltimore, or getting ahead of market trends by analyzing data across your enterprise, the solutions are at our fingertips. We’re moving from asking “Can we do this?” to “How fast can we start?”—and the answer is now.

At Pluto7, we’ve been busy understanding the various stakeholder journeys in supply chain management. Our goal? To leverage the power of Gen AI to streamline their workflows and empower them to make data-driven decisions faster than ever before.

When 250+ External Signals Shape Your Demand, Can You Really Go Wrong?

Demand Planners, traditionally, have had to wade through oceans of data to find actionable insights. With Gen AI, the game changes.

They can now leverage Pluto7’s Gen AI Platform CX Sense to sift through social media trends, historical sales data, and market analyses within minutes. This means understanding the impact of a viral marketing campaign on product demand or predicting seasonal spikes with precision, all without manually crunching the numbers.

Gen AI Handles Inventory Optimization, You Focus on Strategy

For Inventory planners, agility is everything. For example, consider a sudden spike in demand for fitness equipment in January, a trend driven by New Year’s resolutions. Traditionally, to catch and adapt to such trends, inventory planners would have to analyze sales data manually, check inventory levels, forecast based on past years, and then adjust procurement and distribution plans. This process is time-consuming and often lags behind the actual market demand curve.

Instead of the traditional cycle of guesswork, planners can now rely on Planning in a Box to instantly provide a clear picture of what’s needed, where, and when

This means that when January rolls around, and there’s that predictable surge in interest for fitness equipment, the supply chain team is already several steps ahead, with stock levels adjusted in anticipation, ensuring they meet demand without overstocking.

Microscopic Cracks? No Problem! Gen AI Spots Defects Humans Can’t See

Production planners organize production schedules, a complex task given the variables of demand forecasting, resource allocation, and manufacturing timelines. Traditional methods require extensive data gathering and scenario modeling.

With Konnect Manufacturing, they can automate much of the predictive work, integrating real-time demand forecasts with production capabilities. This ensures optimal resource use and minimizes waste, making production leaner and more responsive to market demands.

Making Every Advertising Dollar Count

Media Planners need to know where, when, and how to market products effectively. Traditionally, this has involved a lot of trial and error, analyzing past campaigns, and market research—a time-consuming process.

CX Sense changes the landscape by enabling deep analysis of consumer behavior, market trends, and the effectiveness of past advertising efforts quickly. This allows for highly targeted campaigns that are more likely to resonate with the intended audience, ensuring marketing budgets are used efficiently with a higher return on investment.

Yoda to Your Luke Skywalker


Supply chain leaders, are you reading this? Then, you already have a team of superheroes – your incredible inventory planners, demand planners, and manufacturing leaders. But even the best Jedi needs a wise master to guide them on their journey.

That’s where Pluto7 comes in. In just four weeks, we can activate your Gen AI journey with a custom platform and expert services. 

The secret weapon here is Google Cloud. We leverage Google Cloud’s powerful tools like BigQuery and data models like Cortex to build a user-friendly decision intelligence platform tailored to your needs. This platform integrates with your existing data systems (SAP, Oracle, Salesforce) and even external sources like Google Trends, feeding into a central hub powered by Cortex. It’s all about getting you the insights you need, fast.

The Future of Supply Chain is Now

These are just a few examples of how Pluto7 is leveraging Gen AI to empower professionals across various roles. By making data more accessible and analysis more intuitive, we’re helping businesses unlock the true potential of their data and build a more customer-centric, efficient, and resilient supply chain.

Join us at Google Cloud Next ’24 and explore how Pluto7’s solutions can transform your supply chain! Let’s turn your supply chain heroes into legends.


Manju Devadas is the Founder and CEO of Pluto7, bringing 20+ years of experience in predictive analytics for Supply Chain, Retail and Manufacturing. With expertise in AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning, he has been instrumental in improving efficiency and strategic growth across industries.

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