
Transform Your Supply Chain Planning and Marketing Strategies with Google Cloud and SAP Integration

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Pluto7 and Google Cloud helped L-Nutra, a nutri-technology company dedicated to helping people increase their healthspan, gain a 360° view of their customer journey and activate marketing data like never before

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“Pluto7 implemented a holistic AI solution to unifying their data to gain deeper insights on their customers driving higher revenues and profitability ”


The Client is a nutrition technology company that is using breakthrough science to create food products that enhance human health and longevity. Based in Los Angeles, California, this client is a leader in the field of nutrition as a result of decades of lab research, proof of concept testing, and clinical trials to demonstrate their effectiveness. Their diverse marketing campaigns blend social media, web analytics, channel distribution, testimonials, and mobile apps. They are looking to effectively capture the market and adapt to changing customer needs.

Why We Chose Pluto7

The client looked for a trusted partner in ML/AI who can successfully guide them in leveraging Google Cloud’s Cloud For Marketing (C4M), Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning capabilities to drive breakthrough innovation throughout their marketing team and business. The client looked to Pluto7 as a domain expert with a proven track record for support with their data warehousing and machine learning initiatives.


For customer insights, the client’s marketing team relied on insights from data in various sources to guide their marketing strategy. Pluto7 and Google Cloud provided the client with a holistic view of their customers by connecting data across unintegrated data systems. The client’s goal was to leverage a cloud platform for scalable self-service analytics that will enable them to explore additional marketing channels and 3rd party data to gather granular intelligence on their customer’s background, needs, behavior, and accordingly tailor their business operations. Pluto7 worked with the client on a three-phase design and production pilot using machine learning methods to accelerate time to insight, provide scalability, and reduce IT overhead.


Following the successful migration and data centralization, Pluto7 set up the architecture for future machine learning initiatives. Together we were able to collect, transform, and analyze data to generate actionable visual insights for real business outcomes. The marketing team was able to unlock insights deep within the customer data with a holistic view. Google Cloud Platform’s user-friendly interface allows the marketing team to make decisions more efficiently and tie their efforts directly to revenue.

Enable Decision Intelligence Into Every Corner Of Your Product And Operations.

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Industry High-tech| Healthcare

Platform Marketing-ml


  • Overcome Data Silos
  • Deliver the best customer experience by better understanding the complete customer journey.
  • Gain a holistic view of customer data and gain valuable insight fast and reliably.
  • Identify customer lifetime value and real-time segmentation.
  • Accessibility of the data through relevant data exploration tools.


  • Deeper Insights. Faster time to first insights with accelerated data setup, collection, and transformation.
  • Democratized access to customer data across the organization for faster and better decision making.
  • Increased developer productivity with decreased maintenance and operations overhead.
  • Higher revenue, productivity, and profitability of the marketing team as a whole.

Products Used

  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Google BigQuery
  • Google Cloud Dataprep
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Google Cloud Natural Language
  • Google Cloud Speech