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Pluto7 helped AB InBev win the 2019 Gartner Supply Chain Innovator Award in CPG

May 23, 2019 | Divya Khare

Blog / Pluto7 helped AB InBev win the 2019 Gartner Supply Chain Innovator Award in CPG

Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev) makes some of the world’s oldest and most popular beer brands — including Budweiser, Corona, and Stella Artois. But beer filtration is a complicated process with many unpredictable variables, such as the fluid’s turbidity coming into and going out of the filter as well as regulating pressure in and across the filter.

The technology long in place to manipulate the variables is capable of only basic logic, using meters to monitor and react to adverse conditions, such as a change in pressure. Adding ML and artificial intelligence (AI), the company can leverage a much larger dataset to better predict and prevent potential issues during filtration. Consequently, an ML-enabled filtration process could deliver great-tasting beer with significant cost efficiencies.

Recognizing this potential improvement, AB InBev was looking for the best partnership and provider that would enable the company to deploy ML quickly and effectively. They wanted to embrace the future by adoption Machine Learning & AI to stay competitive. That’s how AB InBev came to partner with us, a technology solutions provider that uses Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services to improve operations at manufacturers and other companies.

We developed a prototype solution that is enabling AB InBev to optimize the beer filtration process with much greater accuracy — reducing costs, increasing efficiencies, and perhaps most importantly for beer aficionados, ensuring taste. The Pluto7 solution combines TensorFlow, Cloud Machine Learning Engine, Cloud SQL, and BigQuery.

Read the complete story here

Adam Spunberg, Global Director at ABInBev says, “Huge thank you to Gartner for awarding our Anheuser-Busch InBev team (Tech Supply) the 2019 Gartner Supply Chain Innovator Award in CPG at the Supply Chain executive conference in Phoenix. We couldn’t have done it without our amazing AI partners at Pluto7, the best there is in MachineLearning – thanks for developing our Google Cloud Tensorflow model, now becoming a globally scalable solution!”