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Making GenAI Work for You: Simple Steps to Ensure Long-term Success

March 5, 2024 | Premangsu Bhattacharya

Blog / Making GenAI Work for You: Simple Steps to Ensure Long-term Success

When diving into GenAI/AI projects, the aim is to get it right from the start. A successful first project paves the way for showing real benefits and scaling up your solutions. Let’s look at how a straightforward approach can lead to big wins inspired by a real success story.

How AB InBev Got It Right the First Time

Take AB InBev, the global brewing giant. They decided to test the AI waters by improving their beer filtration process in Newark. This small-scale project was a testbed for innovation. What they learned there, they could apply across 126 countries, boosting efficiency and cutting costs.

Key Steps to Nail Your AI Initiative

1.Build a Solid Data Foundation

The adage “garbage in, garbage out” is particularly relevant in the context of GenAI or AI. Prioritize robust data management and thorough data exploration to ensure your AI projects are built on a solid foundation.

  • Invest in Robust Data Infrastructure: Establish a solid data management framework that ensures data quality, accessibility, and security. This includes investing in tools and technologies that can handle the volume, variety, and velocity of supply chain data.
  • Prioritize Data Cleanliness: Before deploying GenAI solutions, ensure that data is cleaned and prepared adequately. This involves addressing missing data, removing duplicates, and correcting errors, which are common in supply chain datasets.

2. Identify Clear AI Opportunities

Focus on specific areas within your supply chain that will benefit most from GenAI, such as inventory management or demand forecasting. This targeted approach ensures efforts are concentrated where they can have the most impact.

  • Conduct a Process Audit: Review existing supply chain processes to identify  inefficiencies or bottlenecks that AI could address.
  • Benchmark Against Industry Standards: Understand how competitors and industry leaders are using AI to enhance supply chain functions and identify areas for improvement in your operations.

3. Start Small

Adopt a pilot project approach to manage risk and gather insights. Small, focused projects allow for easier troubleshooting, quicker adjustments, and a clearer assessment of value.

  • Mitigating Risk: Pilots offer a low-risk environment to experiment with GenAI solutions and assess their impact without committing extensive resources.
  • Gathering Insights: Early projects provide valuable insights into how GenAI can be scaled and customized for broader implementation.

4. Ensure Cross-functional Collaboration

AI projects thrive on collaboration. Bringing together different perspectives, from IT specialists to operational leaders, ensures that the project is grounded in both technical feasibility and business reality.

  • Alignment of Objectives: Joint planning sessions ensure both teams are aligned on the project goals and understand the operational and technical requirements.
  • Shared Expertise: Supply chain experts provide domain knowledge, while IT/AI teams bring technical expertise, ensuring the development of effective, practical AI solutions.

5. Embrace Cloud Technologies

Leveraging cloud-based GenAI Platforms can streamline the deployment and scaling of your projects, reducing the need for heavy upfront investments in infrastructure.

  • Scalability: Cloud platforms can easily scale AI solutions as business needs grow, without significant additional investments in hardware.
  • Accessibility: They provide access to advanced AI tools and technologies without the need for deep technical expertise, making AI more accessible to supply chain professionals.

6. Choosing the Right Partner

When integrating GenAI into supply chain operations, selecting a partner with the right capabilities and a deep understanding of your business context is essential. Consider:

  • Technical Expertise and Industry Experience: A partner should possess the technical skills required to implement AI solutions and have a proven track record in your industry.
  • Cultural and Operational Alignment: Ensure your partner understands your business’s unique challenges and works to complement your organization’s culture and operational practices.

Why Do Some GenAI Supply Chain Projects Thrive While Others Don’t?

Many AI initiatives stumble right out of the gate, and it’s rarely due to the technology itself. The real threats? A lack of planning, strategy, and patience. AI success isn’t about rushing; it’s about laying a strong foundation first. 

The key lies in finding a partner who understands that AI is not a one-size-fits-all solution nor a race to the finish line. It’s essential to have a solid data foundation before diving into AI, and the right partner recognizes this. 

At Pluto7, we simplify this journey. Our approach is direct: identify your key use case and get you started with a decision intelligence platform on your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) tenant in under 24 hours. No fluff, no overcomplication. Just straightforward steps toward real GenAI outcomes.

Read our step-by-step guide to get a deeper dive into how you can set up a scalable model for data transformation across sales, marketing, finance, and supply chain using a decision intelligence platform. For a more hands-on experience, join us for a workshop where we’ll dive into how you can navigate the GenAI landscape successfully with Pluto7. Let’s unlock the true potential of GenAI and AI for your business together.


Premangsu B, is a digital marketer with a knack for crafting engaging B2B content. His writings are focused on data analytics, marketing, emerging tech, and cloud computing. Driven by his passion for storytelling, he consistently simplifies complex topics for his readers, creating narratives that resonate with diverse audiences.

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