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Pluto7 and Google Cloud helped the India’s largest construction company improve the productivity of project engineers by using Google Assistant

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Using DialogFlow, this leading construction company is removing the need of traveling to the construction site for project engineers to get project updates.


The client is India’s largest construction company with projects varying from residential apartments to commercial spaces and utility buildings. With wings spread across sub-verticals and geography, it was obvious to company leaders that it was time to upgrade their operational optimization protocols to maintain their legacy, and that is where they engaged with Pluto7 to generate meaningful project insights from their data lake.

Why We Chose Pluto7

Being an industry leader, the client was concerned about data security and was looking for someone with the authority to work around their infrastructure. Pluto7 being a Google Cloud Partner with a strong history of delivering exceptional results to other industry leaders, the client wanted to move forward with Pluto7 to run custom machine learning models built on their data lakes. The client wanted to leverage our ML & AI expertise powered by scalable products built on the Google Cloud Platform and improve the productivity of project engineers by giving better access to data.


Construction has various sub-verticals in itself: plumbing, electrical, structure etc and each sub-vertical includes its own data silos. It is a requirement for a project engineer to stay updated on the progress of the project. The project manager would commute from project site to office to access project related information. It would take around 1-2 weeks for them to get the data from different construction silos like plumbing, tiling, painting, and cladding and make a meaningful report. This inturn used to delay project operations and raised risks of not meeting deadlines.

The project was aimed at making the data easily available for project engineers without the need for them to communicate. To achieve this Pluto7 connected all the systems consisting of siloed data into a data lake built by the client and queried it using Google Action, which was translated with Dialogflow to bridge the query to the data lake via APIs. Apart from statistical data Google Actions also delivered graphics and visualizations to project engineers via cards.


Pluto7 delivered a conversational bot for project engineers to get complete updates about the project.

Following the successful POC on 20 project engineers, the completed solution was delivered for 45 project engineers which reduced the time for them to gain access to relevant data from 1-2 weeks to seconds.

The solution increased their productivity by enabling them to solve any project related query and handle material management without being physically present at the construction site which reduced the time of making any decision for project engineers.

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  • The data was not unified, each project phase had many stages and associated data silos.
  • It took around 1-2 weeks to get the relevant information from the systems.
  • It was not possible for project engineers to get a complete overview of the project.


  • Data unification: data from all the different systems were brought in one data lake.
  • Time taken for project engineers to get any updates on project or material management was reduced from 1-2 weeks to seconds or a minute.
  • The productivity of project engineers improved without the need of traveling to construction sites.
  • Getting a complete overview of any project supported with visualization became possible without any additional help from the IT department.

Products Used

  • Google action
  • Google cloud functions
  • Google Dialogflow