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Why Decision Intelligence Platforms Hold the Key to Cutting Supply Chain Overheads in 2024

January 4, 2024 | Manju Devadas

Blog / Why Decision Intelligence Platforms Hold the Key to Cutting Supply Chain Overheads in 2024

2023 was a landmark year, a period of significant transformation and realization for businesses worldwide. It was the year companies across various sectors acknowledged the critical need to establish a robust data foundation, essential for accelerating the adoption of advanced analytics capabilities through AI, Gen AI, and Machine Learning. This shift was more than a technological upgrade; it was a strategic move towards embracing data-driven decision-making at its core.

Key Highlights of 2023:

  • Emphasis on Data Foundation: Companies recognized that a solid data foundation was crucial for leveraging advanced analytics. This wasn’t just about gathering data; it was about preparing it for deeper, more complex analyses using AI and ML technologies.
  • Google Cloud Cortex Framework: This tool played a pivotal role. It facilitated a seamless transition of data from enterprise systems like SAP, Oracle EBS, and Salesforce into Google Cloud, transforming data accessibility and usability for businesses.
  • Trend Toward Data Centralization: There was a growing realization of the power of centralizing data. Companies began combining internal data with external datasets for advanced querying through BigQuery, and leveraging Vertex AI and Gen AI on Vertex AI to dive deeper into their data lakes.
  • SAP and Google Cloud’s Partnership: Announced at Sapphire, this partnership focused on simplifying data landscapes. It paved the way for greater collaboration, enabling SAP users to utilize external datasets and AI/ML capabilities effectively while maintaining data integrity and security.
  • Rise of Decision Intelligence: Both enterprises and SMBs increasingly sought decision intelligence solutions. The focus was on Gen AI, which significantly reduced the time required for decision analysis, allowing faster and more effective navigation through the complex enterprise data landscape.

As 2023 rolled out, we learned the hard lesson that supply chain disruptions, market instability, and changing consumer dynamics are here to stay. Relying solely on traditional supply chain methods is no longer sufficient to stay afloat in this dynamic environment. A key learning from this period is that companies who adopt an objective view of their data, integrate external datasets, and leverage advanced analytical capabilities (like AI and Gen AI)  to address specific use cases have emerged as winners in these tumultuous times. This strategic approach to data and technology has been a game changer, as we will explore later in this article.

The Top Supply Chain Challenges in 2023 With Effects Spiralling into 2024

The year 2023 was not just about embracing advanced analytics; it was a response to the acute crises rippling through global supply chains. Let’s delve into the top challenges that defined this landscape and are continuing to impact businesses into 2024:

  1. Excess Inventory: This emerged as a critical issue, with companies grappling with the high costs of unsold stock. The U.S. retailers, for example, are sitting on an estimated $740 billion in unsold goods
  2. Lack of Foresight in Market Movements: Many companies struggled to gain a comprehensive view of their customers. The inability to integrate Salesforce data with ERP systems led to significant decision-making challenges. Without access to external data and limited consumer understanding, businesses found it difficult to anticipate market trends and customer needs accurately.
  3. Manufacturing Waste: Without real-time data and predictive insights, manufacturers found it challenging to adjust their production schedules proactively, leading to surplus or shortages. The environmental impact was notable, with excess production contributing to higher energy consumption and waste

Pluto7’s Approach: Tackling Supply Chain Challenges with a Three-Platform Strategy

Pluto7’s response to the evolving supply chain landscape hinges on a three-platform approach, each powered by Generative AI. This strategy focuses on providing Decision Intelligence through three distinct yet interconnected platforms: Planning in a Box, CX Sense, and Konnect Manufacturing. Each platform is tailor-made to target key areas within the supply chain, creating a holistic solution that is both comprehensive and nuanced. These tools are easy to use, scalable, and affordable. They can be set up in four weeks and require a monthly subscription.

Real-World Applications of Using AI in Supply Chain Optimization  

Levi’s Improved SKU-Level Visibility by 90% with AI Inventory Optimization

Levi’s Improved SKU-Level Visibility by 90%

Levi’s was struggling with significant inventory management issues due to a lack of visibility at the SKU level, leading to inefficient product distribution and increased transit costs. A particular operational challenge involved accurately determining the optimal number of jeans that could fit into a carton.

With Planning in a Box, Levi’s tackled these challenges head-on. The platform provided critical insights into SKU-level demand and enabled more efficient packaging strategies.

Business Outcomes: 

  • Achieved a 90% accuracy in predicting product dimensions in 6 weeks.
  • Significantly reduced transit costs by minimizing unnecessary product movements.
  • Enhanced packaging efficiency with better carton capacity planning.
  • Rapid deployment and quick results, with the system going live in just 4 weeks.

Planning in a Box™ is a cloud-based planning platform that provides a single view of the supply chain. It includes a variety of planning tools, such as demand forecasting, inventory optimization, and supply chain risk management.  

It uses advanced algorithms to predict demand with unprecedented accuracy, ensuring that inventory levels are optimized to meet market needs without excess. This platform is instrumental in minimizing wastage and reducing holding costs, crucial for maintaining financial health, especially in volatile market conditions.

Explore Planning in a Box

Tacori Reduces Inventory Costs by 50% with Centralized Data and Decision Intelligence 

Tacori Reduces Inventory Costs by 50%

Tacori faced a complex data environment where customer insights, internal data, and ERP systems were disconnected. This lack of integration led to limited inventory visibility, hampering their ability to respond to market changes and customer needs effectively.

Leveraging Planning in a Box and CXSense, Tacori transitioned from disjointed data systems to a cohesive, data-driven approach, significantly improving their supply chain efficiency and customer responsiveness.

Business Outcomes: 

  • Cut decision-making time by 70%.
  • Achieved 70-90% accuracy in forecasting customer demand for metals and gemstones.
  • Reduced overstock by 50% through improved demand sensing.
  • Rapid transformation was achieved in 4 weeks.

CX Sense is a customer experience platform that helps planners understand customer needs and preferences. It includes tools for customer segmentation, customer journey mapping, and customer feedback analysis.

This platform equips companies, especially in the Retail and CPG industries, with advanced demand sensing and marketing analytics capabilities. It allows them to refine their marketing and sales strategies, ensuring alignment with the constantly evolving customer preferences and market dynamics.

Explore CX Sense Decision Intelligence Platform

A Leading Bathroom Fixtures Manufacturer Made the Shift from Data Silos to AI in 4 Weeks 

Lixil/American Standard

Lixil/American Standard was grappling with a significant challenge: their manufacturing decision-making process was painfully slow, taking up to 15 hours, burdened by disorganized and conflicting data from various regions. This data overload led to serious issues in production planning, resulting in excessive inventory that was costly to maintain.

Konnect Manufacturing enabled Lixil to streamline its data, bringing order and efficiency to its decision-making process. 

Business Outcomes:

  • Dramatically streamlined the protracted decision-making process.
  • Achieved a unified view of data, resolving regional discrepancies.
  • Enhanced production planning with data-aligned demand forecasts.
  • Substantially lowered inventory costs by 20% to 50%, directly impacting the bottom line.

Konnect Manufacturing is a manufacturing execution platform that helps planners track and manage production orders. 

Konnect Manufacturing addresses the critical aspect of manufacturing efficiency. It aligns production schedules closely with real-time demand, thereby reducing overproduction and associated waste. For manufacturers, this platform is a key tool in achieving operational excellence, ensuring that resources are utilized optimally and sustainability goals are met.

Explore Konnect Manufacturing Decision Intelligence Platform

All three platforms are built upon a robust architecture that integrates seamlessly with Google Cloud and SAP systems, extending to Oracle EBS and beyond. This integration facilitates the connection of various data points – from marketing and sales to supply chain and finance – all within the ERPs. The use of Generative AI across these platforms enhances the ability to process and analyze data efficiently, enabling rapid deployment in just four weeks on customers’ own GCP/BTP tenants. 

Navigating 2024 with Decision Intelligence: Building on 2023’s Lessons

As we approach 2024, it’s important to reflect on 2023’s key learnings and adapt swiftly. If your business grapples with issues like excessive inventory, it’s time to delve into the causes. Could it be due to inadequate visibility? The solution might lie in embracing data centralization. If you are facing challenges in demand forecasting, integrating external datasets could be the key. For those who faced hurdles in manufacturing efficiency, AI-driven alignment with market demands could offer a way forward.

The year 2024 demands a shift in mindset – thinking holistically and strategically for the long term. This is where decision intelligence platforms come into play. With Pluto7’s offerings, such as Planning in a Box, CX Sense, and Konnect Manufacturing, you can start with addressing a specific issue and gradually expand to cover more complex needs. These platforms not only provide immediate solutions but also adapt and scale with your evolving business requirements.

We invite you to join our Gen AI Bootcamp, where you’ll discover how to harness the power of Generative AI for your business. From identifying the right use case to deploying an AI platform, we’ll guide you through a transformative journey, all within a span of 4 weeks.

Embrace the future with confidence. Join us at the Gen AI Bootcamp and start your journey towards a data-driven, efficient, and responsive business model for 2024 and beyond.


Manju Devadas is the Founder and CEO of Pluto7, bringing 20+ years of experience in predictive analytics for Supply Chain, Retail and Manufacturing. With expertise in AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning, he has been instrumental in improving efficiency and strategic growth across industries.

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