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Leading the Data Revolution: Pluto7, Google Cloud, and SAP

May 16, 2023 | Manju Devadas

Blog / Leading the Data Revolution: Pluto7, Google Cloud, and SAP

In the grand tapestry of the modern business world, change is the thread that keeps weaving in and out. We’ve seen it a lot this year, especially in tech and other industries. 

What’s causing the picture to keep changing? A whole host of things – shifts in what people want, cutting-edge tech like data analysis, AI, large language models, and cloud computing, and then there’s the ongoing pandemic, political shifts, and climate change. 

In this fast-paced scene, if you’re not moving forward, you’re sliding back

Businesses are now looking to speed up decision-making, cut costs, and handle the influx of data that’s constantly rolling in. They’re equipping their employees with data and AI to make decisions in near real-time. It’s a bit like how Google changed how we search and Uber transformed how we travel. Now, it’s hitting the business world big time. 

Sapphire 2023: Key Takeaways 

Efficiency and Cost Optimization: The bidirectional integration between Google Cloud and SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) will enhance efficiency and reduce costs, creating a sturdy system for end-users.

Faster Time to Value: The synergy of SAP’s enterprise software (SAP ECC or S/4 Hana) with Google Cloud’s analytical prowess will allow businesses to gain value from their data rapidly.

AI & ML Integration: Google Cloud’s leading AI and Machine Learning models will be incorporated into SAP’s workflows, providing intelligent insights and automation.

LLM Embedding: Large Language Models, like ChatGPT or Google’s Generative AI, will be integrated into SAP workflows, prioritizing data security and streamlining operations.

Real-Time Data Access: Instant access to crucial data will facilitate swift decision-making and quick reaction to market changes.

Simplified Data Landscape: The combination of SAP and Google Cloud will simplify data handling, reducing time spent on data management and focusing more on insight extraction.

As is evident, this dynamic duo is all set to change how businesses use and understand data, combining real-time analytics with the latest in tech, like AI, machine learning, and large language models. 

For the past six years, Pluto7 has been deeply immersed in data platforms, crafting sophisticated solutions that empower businesses in the marketing, sales, supply chain, and manufacturing sectors. 

We’ve established a reputation for excellence, securing numerous accolades from prestigious institutions like Gartner and USC, as well as Google Cloud itself, for the tangible value we’ve delivered through our data platforms.

Our role goes beyond being just a provider; we’re a trusted partner accompanying our customers on their transformative journeys with data and artificial intelligence. 

Our clients across North America, Asia, and EMEA, appreciate our innovative service delivery model. This model offers them the flexibility they need without the necessity of hiring expensive talent, allowing them to lean on our expertise and resources instead. 

Harnessing the Power of AI, ML, and LLM for Business Success

Emerging from the Sapphire conference, it’s clear that AI, ML, and LLM are getting past the initial hype cycles and getting into mainstream adoption where the ROI is evident.

These are powerful tools, no doubt. But they have to be thought through holistically. A Data Platform with meticulous data governance standards is fundamental for any AI or LLM to work. 

In the past five years, we’ve partnered with over 250 clients on their journeys with data and cloud technology. A crucial part of these successful projects has been effective change management. This involves careful planning, communication, and training to ensure everyone understands and embraces the new technology.

What we have learned: 

  • We’ve seen the most success in projects where business needs perfectly align with technology offerings 
  • In our experience, Marketing teams adapt quickest to changes, followed by Supply Chain because well-planned and executed change management has been a critical success factor. 

We have deployed our solutions with focused capabilities on the Google Cloud and BTP marketplaces so that our customers can get a head start without having to figure out hundreds of components to solve one problem, e.g., Solving Demand Sensing with External Datasets 

Imagine navigating through uncertainty with ease, enhancing your operations, and making decisions based on solid data. That’s the reality for our customers at Pluto7. They’ve seen firsthand the power of blending deep industry knowledge with cutting-edge technology. The results are  incredible transformations that are propelling their businesses forward.

Turning Data into Superpower

Pluto7’s Data Platform solutions, like Planning in a Box and Demand ML, are created to work with Google Cloud and BTP. They simplify your data journey by creating a solid data foundation for accelerated insights. 

These solutions offer insights through easy-to-use dashboards and AI-powered conversation interfaces. Plus, they’re all set to include Large Language Models (LLMs) in the future.

Co-created with the Google Cloud and SAP teams, these solutions come with both front-end and back-end integrations. Our years of hard work are now available to our customers, sold in collaboration with our technology partners.

Our promise is straightforward. Our service accelerators, designed to speed up your data platform build, will be set up and running in your system within two weeks, tailored to your specific business needs. They can seamlessly integrate with your existing ERP, such as enhancing SAP screens with over 250 datasets and overlay your current tech stack.

Think of Pluto7’s solutions as your in-house Decision Intelligence Layer that can evolve into a Digital Twin, Control Tower, or Command Center as you mold it. We’ll ensure that your designs adhere to Google Cloud and SAP-recommended frameworks.

AI-Powered Chat: The Future of Planning Teams

Transitioning into this future, we’re dedicated to making data exploration effortless. Here is a sneak peek of what’s coming from Pluto7. Whether you’re a merchandise planner, a demand planner, or a marketing manager, we’re preparing to make the process of uncovering answers to complex questions simpler than ever, eliminating the need for intricate analysis. With our evolving solutions, finding insights will become as easy as asking a question.

LLMs are making steady inroads into companies from content creation, e.g., product descriptions for catalogs, to answering supply-demand imbalance questions through conversational experiences backed with connected data across functions and systems powered by Google Cloud, BigQuery, and SAP Datasphere. 

In the following section, we’ll explore real-world scenarios that will show how these solutions can help businesses navigate uncertainties, streamline operations, make smarter decisions, and, ultimately, enhance their performance. 

Unraveling Customer Insights

Real-world Use Cases

  • Utilizing AI and ML, businesses are now able to distill precise customer insights, moving beyond generic demographic information. Companies like Tacori are leveraging BigQuery, Looker, and Vertex AI/ML models to analyze customer interactions, purchase history, and preferences to fine-tune their marketing and sales promotions. 
  • Similarly, tech giant Cisco is employing Google Cloud’s AI capabilities to drive its digital marketing efforts, creating hyper-personalized customer experiences.
  • Companies like Levi’s are solving their inventory positioning, inventory visibility, and logistics business problems by co-innovating with Pluto7 on data platforms.

Reducing Inventory Costs

Real-world Use Cases 

  • California Design Den employed ML solutions to analyze real-time sales data, ensuring they maintain an optimal inventory level, minimizing overstocking, and avoiding stock-outs.
  •  For industries where machinery is crucial, ML enables predictive maintenance. As a case in point, ABInBev uses ML models to anticipate maintenance needs, reducing equipment downtime and boosting operational efficiency.

Delighting Customers Every Step of the Way

Real-world Use Cases 

  • AI-driven customer solutions, such as chatbots or virtual assistants, can provide prompt and efficient customer service, leading to improved customer satisfaction. These solutions can simultaneously handle a large volume of customer queries, provide round-the-clock service, and free up human agents to handle more complex workloads.
  • Recently, we have implemented an advanced search solution for a hi-tech enterprise, significantly improving the search experience for their customers, partners, and internal users, allowing them to find comprehensive answers to complex queries. 

Transforming Business Planning with AI and ML

Real-world Use Cases 

Planning in today’s dynamic business environment requires data-driven actions. As such, AI and ML-based solutions are becoming essential tools for survival. These solutions allow businesses to analyze vast amounts of data and forecast future trends, enabling them to adapt and respond to changing market conditions effectively. 

We’ve partnered with large hi-tech companies to automate workflows, improving data flows significantly. This led to service renewal times being reduced from three weeks to just fifteen minutes. It is largely possible due to well-thought-out designs and a deep understanding of the domain and user activities.

A Canvas for Accelerated Innovation

With ready-to-deploy solutions that leverage the might of Google Cloud and SAP, Pluto7 is set to navigate businesses through the complexities of digital transformation. 

The deep-rooted engineering relationship with both Google Cloud and SAP, coupled with hundreds of successful use cases, arms Pluto7 with the right skills and experience to help businesses unlock the secrets hidden in their data. 

  • Insights in weeks, not months: Our advanced data platform, integrating the Google Cloud Cortex Framework with SAP BTP and IBP applications, provides quick, actionable insights. This allows businesses to transform in weeks, not months. 
  • Designed for the way you work: We understand that each business has unique challenges. That’s why we deliver bespoke solutions that cater to your specific needs, accelerating your growth.
  • Analytics that cut through the noise: We transform complex data into clear, actionable insights using cutting-edge AI, ML, and LLM solutions. This empowers businesses to make strategic decisions confidently.
  • Industry Expertise: Our deep industry knowledge empowers us to create solutions that resonate with your business and industry.
  • Complete Support: We’re with you every step of the way, from solution design to deployment and beyond.
  • Demonstrated Success: Our track record of helping businesses achieve efficiency and growth speaks volumes about our capabilities.

Your Transformation Story Begins Here

Step into Your Future with SAP on Google Cloud Innovation Workshop 

Dive into an immersive experience with live data powered by Google Cloud, expert guidance from SAP data specialists, and tailored use cases. Explore data modeling techniques and receive a comprehensive step-by-step guide to unlock the full potential of your enterprise data. 

Enable Decision Intelligence in just 4 to 10 Weeks!

Explore Pluto7’s Data Platform solutions like Planning in a Box, Demand ML, and other solutions that are designed to run on GCP and BTP, accelerating your data insights journey. Our data models and architectures endorsed by Google and SAP ensure flexibility with robustness. 




Manju Devadas is the Founder and CEO of Pluto7, bringing 20+ years of experience in predictive analytics for Supply Chain, Retail and Manufacturing. With expertise in AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning, he has been instrumental in improving efficiency and strategic growth across industries.

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