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Is Your ‘Dark Data’ the Key to Supply Chain Optimization?

February 20, 2024 | Manju Devadas

Blog / Is Your ‘Dark Data’ the Key to Supply Chain Optimization?

Gartner defines dark data as the information assets organizations collect, process, and store during regular business activities but generally fail to use for other purposes, such as analytics, business relationships, and direct monetizing. 

What’s key to note here is the vast potential of this untapped data, which often goes unnoticed in the shadows of daily operations.

The reality of dark data is stark:

  • An average of 47% of data within organizations is not utilized, pointing to a widespread issue of resource underutilization.
  • For others, the situation is worse, with over 70% of their data remaining in the dark, unused, and unexplored.
  • Alarmingly, 60% of potential data is not even captured. 

It’s a no-brainer. You gain a significant advantage when you can fully see, manage, and trust your data.

And the flipside is equally grim. When the source of data is unclear, who controls it, what gets affected by changes, the extent of those effects, and which data really matters – achieving high-quality or scalable AI solutions becomes an unattainable goal.

Where Businesses Struggle Today


Image Source: LinkedIn 

  • Data Overload: The volume of data and the complexity of transformations and queries increases drastically.
  • Uncontrolled Growth: The number of dashboards, queries, and tables expands exponentially, creating a hard-to-navigate landscape.
  • Uncertain ROI: Proving the return on investment for extensive data initiatives becomes increasingly difficult as costs spiral.
  • Quality vs. Quantity: Persistent data quality issues undermine the potential for direct ROI from data initiatives, making these benefits hard to realize.
  • Lost Trust: The lineage graph of data dependencies becomes so complex that confidence in the data erodes, leading to a trust crisis.

How Pluto7’s Decision Intelligence Platforms Can Help Optimize Your Supply Chain

Cleaning, Organizing, and Preparing Your Data: Pluto7’s Decision Intelligence Platforms—Planning in a Box, CX Sense, and Konnect MDE—serve as an integration layer for businesses. These platforms can pull data from various sources, including SAP, Salesforce, Oracle, and others, into a single, centralized location.

It achieves two things for you:

  • You get clear visibility into your data, extending to real-time access, historical comparisons, and spotting trends and anomalies across sources like SAP, Salesforce, and Oracle.
  • It makes data ready for use, ensuring it’s clean and organized for AI and machine learning, providing quality data to train models.

Achieving Desired Outcomes with AI Using High-Quality Data: Google Data and AI Cloud act as a playground for AI experiments, setting the stage for tangible ROI, and redirecting your focus on high-quality and proven use cases designed to deliver value quickly.

How This Translates into Tangible Business Benefits With AI/GenAI in 4 Weeks

Tacori Predicted Optimal Pricing for Top-Selling Diamonds Online


Faced with the challenge of pricing diamonds competitively while maximizing profits, Tacori turned to advanced analytics to refine its pricing strategy for top-selling diamonds online. By leveraging Pluto7’s analytics solutions with Google Cloud’s AI and Data Analytics, Tacori was able to:

  • Analyze historical sales data, competitor pricing, and market trends to identify pricing sweet spots.
  • Implement dynamic pricing models that adjust in real-time based on market conditions and inventory levels.
  • Enhance customer engagement by offering competitively priced diamonds without compromising on margins.

Time to Value: In just three weeks, Tacori established a data-driven pricing strategy that optimized profits and increased online sales, demonstrating the power of integrating AI and machine learning into their e-commerce platform.

Levi’s Predicted the Most Profitable Carton Size for Jeans

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Levi’s sought to optimize logistics and reduce shipping costs by determining the most efficient carton size for their jeans. Using Pluto7’s Decision Intelligence solutions powered by Google Cloud’s AI and analytics, Levi’s achieved the following:

  • Analysis of shipping data, carton sizes, and logistics costs to identify inefficiencies.
  • Development of a predictive model to recommend the most cost-effective carton sizes for different orders.
  • Significant reductions in shipping costs and improved sustainability through better space utilization.

Time to Value: Levi’s optimized their packaging process within three months, realizing cost savings and environmental benefits by minimizing packaging waste and freight costs.

A Leading Marketing & Advertising Company Enhanced Customer Satisfaction with Complete Supply Chain Visibility

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A leading Marketing & Advertising Company aimed to enhance customer satisfaction. With Pluto7, the company accomplished:

  • Real-time tracking of goods across the supply chain, from manufacturing to delivery.
  • Predictive analytics to anticipate and mitigate potential delays or disruptions.
  • Improved customer communication through timely updates on order status and expected delivery times.

Time to Value: In a matter of a few weeks, they had complete visibility into their supply chain, enabling them to rapidly shift from an environment of data silos to real-time decision-making.

Your ERP Data Already Has the Answers. Are you Asking the Right Questions?

As is clear from the examples above, a wealth of insights can be uncovered by combining three key elements: your existing data, a decision intelligence platform like Planning in a Box, and advanced tools such as AI and GenAI. With Pluto7’s decision intelligence platforms, the challenge of data quality and governance has become a thing of the past. 

We provide you with a comprehensive platform where you are in command—controlling the data model, the user interface, and the dashboards. This allows you to:

  • Control the Data Model: Tailor the data architecture to fit your specific business needs, ensuring that the insights you generate are both relevant and actionable.
  • Control the UI: Customize the user interface to enhance user experience, making it simpler to navigate through your data and derive insights.
  • Control the Dashboards: Create and manage dashboards that visualize your data in a meaningful way, enabling you to make informed decisions swiftly and confidently.

Dive deeper into these possibilities at our workshop. Here, we’ll demonstrate how to extract meaningful insights from your ERP data effectively and efficiently. The focus is on practical, real-world applications you can apply today to drive your business forward. Register here.


Manju Devadas is the Founder and CEO of Pluto7, bringing 20+ years of experience in predictive analytics for Supply Chain, Retail and Manufacturing. With expertise in AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning, he has been instrumental in improving efficiency and strategic growth across industries.

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