
Transform Your Supply Chain Planning and Marketing Strategies with Google Cloud and SAP Integration

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efficiency of machines

Demand ML is an innovative solution that leverages Google Cloud Cortex to seamlessly integrate SAP, Oracle EBS, Netsuite, and Salesforce data with Google Cloud, accelerating time to insights for businesses. With access to over 250 external insights from Google Cloud, including Adtech data, trends, and consumer behavior, Demand ML enables businesses to gain deeper insights and make more informed decisions based on real-time data.

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Preventive maintenance is a widely used framework used by many businesses, companies, and organizations to schedule specific maintenance tasks that assist assets, machinery, and other equipment in remaining in good working order.

Implementing a preventive maintenance solution can be an excellent way to assist a company in reducing breakdowns, minimizing downtime, increasing efficiency, and extending equipment lifespan.

Accurate Demand Forecasting with Planning in a Box and Fivetran

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Our Success Stories

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    High-Tech| Healthcare

    Pluto7 and Google Cloud helped DxTerity, a leading Genomics Company, diagnose diseases more effectively and recommended the best…..

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    Manufacturing| Automotive

    Pluto7 and Google Cloud helped TVS drive breakthrough innovation for their maintenance servicing business

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    Pluto7 and Google Cloud helped the India’s largest construction company improve the productivity of project engineers by using Google Assistant

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Why Pluto7

Pluto7’s Preventive Maintenance solution is built to help organizations deal with problems in the manufacturing floor ​​and to perform routine maintenance tasks at predetermined times to prevent asset failure.

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Transform Your Business with Planning in a Box: Harness Generative AI for Intelligent Supply Chain Solutions