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Pluto7 Launches Pi Agent, an Intelligent Assistant for Supply Chain Planning on Google Cloud with Planning in a Box

July 2, 2024 | Manju Devadas

Blog / Pluto7 Launches Pi Agent, an Intelligent Assistant for Supply Chain Planning on Google Cloud with Planning in a Box

Pluto7, a leader in AI-driven decision intelligence platforms, announces the launch of Pi Agent, an intelligent AI assistant designed to revolutionize supply chain planning through its platform, Planning in a Box.

The role of demand planning is shifting from being creators of forecasts to orchestrators of information.[1] With increasing levels of planning decision automation, the process is becoming more decision-centric, paving the way for continuous planning and execution.

Pluto7’s Planning Intelligence (Pi) Agent is the constant in this dynamic environment, much like the mathematical constant π in the formula A=πr2, where A signifies business impact and value, and r represents the size of the company.

Whether a company is large or small or whether its operations are simple or complex, Pi Agent continuously optimizes and adapts. It works tirelessly to address supply-demand imbalances, ensuring that the business impact (A) is maximized.

Pi Agent remains the unchanging element that drives value and impact, consistently adapting to varying complexities and demands. Just as π is crucial in calculating the area of a circle, Pi Agent is essential in optimizing the supply chain. It continuously processes and integrates data from multiple sources, analyzes it in real-time, and provides actionable insights. This perpetual optimization helps businesses maintain a balanced supply-demand equation, thus maximizing their operational efficiency and business value.

Powered by Google Cloud Enterprise AI, Google Cloud Cortex Framework, and Gemini, Pi Agent centralizes data from major ERP sources using Google Cortex Framework (E.g., SAP, Oracle, Netsuite, Salesforce, Google Ad Tech) and unstructured data (E.g., Images, PDF, and Videos) using Google Document Understanding. This results in faster time to insight and makes high-quality actionable data accessible to everyone, facilitating quicker and better-informed decision-making across the organization.

Complexity, Speed, and Precision with Planning Decisions

Solving Complexity: Pi Agent simplifies complex supply chain networks by centralizing data from various sources, such as ERP systems and unstructured data repositories, into one central hub. This centralization enables seamless data integration and accessibility, allowing businesses to make informed decisions with a complete picture of their supply chain operations.

Enhancing Speed: Pi Agent provides real-time analytics and instant responses to queries. For instance, a demand planner can ask, “Hey Pi Agent, what is the current risk of inventory stockout for our top-selling product?” and receive an immediate, detailed response, complete with dynamic dashboards and suggested action points. This drastically reduces the time taken in supply chain decision-making.

Ensuring Precision: Pi Agent is capable of analyzing vast amounts of data to provide precise recommendations and insights. For example, a manufacturing manager can ask, “Hey Pi Agent, is there any risk of equipment failure in the next 10 days?” Pi Agent can analyze machine performance data, maintenance records, and sensor readings to predict potential failures and suggest preemptive maintenance actions. This ensures higher operational efficiency and prevents costly downtimes.

Key Capabilities of Pi Agent:

  • Intelligent Conversational Interface: Pi Agent is an advanced Generative AI tool that acts as an intelligent assistant. Users can simply ask, “Hey Pi, what are the potential supply chain disruptions this month?” Pi Agent understands natural language queries and provides detailed, actionable insights instantly.
  • Unified Data Hub of Enterprise-specific data along with External data: Pi Agent consolidates data from a variety of sources, including ERP systems, Salesforce, and Google Ad Tech, as well as sensor data and unstructured data like PDFs, images, and videos. By integrating these diverse data types into a single, unified platform, Pi Agent ensures comprehensive visibility and accessibility, empowering more informed and effective decision-making.
  • Generative AI Capabilities: Pi Agent leverages cutting-edge AI to generate insights and recommendations. For example, it can analyze sales data, market trends, and logistics information to predict demand, optimize inventory, and identify potential supply chain risks.
  • Proactive Risk Management: Pi Agent continuously monitors supply chain data to proactively identify and mitigate risks. For instance, it can alert managers about potential equipment failures or supply shortages before they occur, allowing for timely intervention.
  • Dynamic and Interactive Dashboards: Pi Agent provides real-time monitoring with dynamic dashboards that update continuously. Users can interact with these dashboards to drill down into specific metrics, trends, and anomalies, ensuring they have the latest information at their fingertips.
  • Scenario Planning and Simulation: Pi Agent enables businesses to perform advanced scenario planning and simulations. Users can create and analyze different scenarios, such as changes in demand or supply chain disruptions, to develop robust contingency plans.
  • Actionable Insights and Recommendations: Pi Agent not only identifies issues but also provides actionable recommendations. For example, it can suggest optimal inventory levels, maintenance schedules, and supply chain adjustments to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Getting Started: Pi Agent is delivered through Pluto7’s comprehensive 7-step process for deploying platforms and is available through a monthly subscription in your Google Cloud Tenant. This streamlined implementation process ensures enterprises can quickly benefit from enhanced decision-making and supply chain optimization.

Join us for a workshop to see Pi Agent in action. You’ll learn how it works and how it can transform the way your supply chain team operates.

Planning Intelligence (Pi) Agent stands at the forefront of intelligent decision-making, offering a seamless and efficient way to manage and optimize supply chains and manufacturing processes. 


Manju Devadas is the Founder and CEO of Pluto7, bringing 20+ years of experience in predictive analytics for Supply Chain, Retail and Manufacturing. With expertise in AI, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning, he has been instrumental in improving efficiency and strategic growth across industries.

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