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Tools that you love, all at one place!

See how Google Workspace helps you work with collaboration tools loved by billions of users enhancing your business productivity

Choose from the variety of plans that are designed to meet your unique business needs. Evolve into a more integrated experience across our communication and collaboration tools.

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google workspace

The best of Google Workspace in one package.

Google Workspace lets you spend less time managing your work and more time actually doing it.


To compete in the modern digital world, you need a content-centric platform that provides file security and supports real-time collaboration, using any device, from anywhere in the world—EVEN OFFLINE!


Address what’s important and let Google handle the rest with best-in-class AI and search technology that help you work smarter. We are focused on helping organizations increase real-time collaboration and foster innovation with Google Workspace.


Why Buy Google Workspace from Pluto7?

  • Security Advisory

    Google designed Google Workspace to meet stringent privacy and security standards based on industry best practices. In addition to strong contractual commitments regarding data ownership, data use, security, transparency, and accountability, we give you the tools you need to help meet your compliance and reporting requirements.

  • Migration and Enablement

    If you are already on Google Workspace or looking to migrate, we can help you achieve that easily and offer you a bundle of additional features like external drive storage, vault and lot more.

  • Onboarding Trainings

    See the impact Google Workspace can deliver to your business. Get to know everything included in Google Workspace, such as business email, online file storage, shared calendars, and video meetings. Choose a product of your choice and get started through our Onboarding trainings tailored to your requirements*

Create apps to transform your workplace without any code with Appsheets

The benefits of building your apps in Appsheet is that it stores data in the cloud, and it does not persist on the provider’s servers. Your app is also stored in the cloud, and communication among servers uses secure web protocols.

pluto7 appsheets
  • No-Code

    Anyone on your team can make apps.

  • Agile

    Create and deploy multi-platform apps in real-time

  • Powerful

    Deliver a rich user experience with a robust feature set

Business Starter

Professional suite

₹ 1600

USD / user / Month

Add to Cart

Custom and secure business email


100 participant video meeting


30 GB cloud storage per user


Security and management control


Standard support

Most Popular

Business Standard

Enhanced suite

₹ 8568

USD / user / Month

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Custom and secure business email


150 participant video meetings + recording


2 TB cloud storage per user


Security and management controls


Standard support (paid upgrade to Enhanced Support)

Business Plus

Premium suite

₹ 15120

USD / user / Month

Add to Cart

Custom and secure business email + eDiscovery, retention


500 participant video meeting + recording, attendance tracking


5 TB cloud storage per user


Security and management control


Enhanced Security and management controls, including Vault and advanced endpoint management


Standard support (paid upgrade to Enhanced Support)


Lets connect with Sales

Contact Sales

Custom and secure business email + eDiscovery, retention, S/MIME encryption


500 participant video meeting + recording, attendance tracking, noise cancellation, in-domain live streaming


As much storage as you need


Advance security, management, and compliance controls, including Vault, DLP, data regions, and enterprise endpoint management


As much storage as you need

Talk to an Expert

We have a team of Google Workspace experts ready to support you! Purchase licenses directly on our website or contacts us for more personalized support.

Contact Us