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Pluto7 worked with a giant electric utilities company to build a scalable data structure using Smart Analytics


The customer is one of the largest electric utilities and a longtime leader in renewable energy and efficiency. The Customer’s vision is to lead the transformation of the electric power industry towards a clean energy future. Through its subsidiaries, the company generates and distributes electric power, as well as provides energy services and technologies including renewable energy

Why did they choose Pluto7?

Customer was looking for a scalable data structure for ingesting, processing, storing, analysing and visualizing data from multiple sources to gain insights. Pluto7 is a solution company focused on leveraging the power of Google Cloud to drive innovation enabling better decision making.

With Pluto7 comes truly unique capabilities  for helping businesses leverage machine learning, artificial intelligence, and analytics on Google Cloud. With our Data and Analytics award winning depth in Google Cloud combined with ML Specialization and domain we provide unique innovative services and solutions.


The customer was in need of enabling a future state solution which could be compliant with cybersecurity requirements and called for the incorporation of data-focused technology capabilities such as Smart Analytics, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The solution given is a hybrid combination of multiple cloud and on-premise information systems and data sources. 

Features of GCP helped in solving this problem:

  1. Unmatched scalability: To enable the elastic scaling and delivery of rapid insights from petabytes of data,  the Google Cloud BigQuery separates storage and compute and provided the peerless scalability
  2. Cloud-native and serverless: No need to manage the infrastructure as GCP does not use any legacy approaches. GCP takes care of resource provisioning by providing the serverless services.
  3. Trouble-free Usability: GCP allows integration of popular BI tools like Tableau, Looker, Qlik, or Google Sheets, to analyze the data the way we want
  4. Unified stream analytics and batch processing: The real time data and batch data can be transformed with uniform reliability and articulacy
  5. Industry-leading AI and ML: Google has two decades of innovation in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence which has added a high-quality predictive insights to the applications
  6. Smooth integration with the open source tools: The open source tools like Apache Hadoop and Spark can be integrated with GCP to achieve high performance and at the same time lower the cost.


The Smart Analytics platform makes data handling easier with its Data Foundation Layer and Data Science platform. Above all, a smart analysis of the historical data uplifts the arrival of new business opportunities, which eliminates the human intervention that can affect the business decision making. 

Enable Decision Intelligence Into Every Corner Of Your Product And Operations.

industry image

Industry Energy


  • Scalable data structure for ingesting, processing, storing, analysing and visualizing data


  • Data Foundation and Data Science Platform for Smart Analytics handling high volume unstructured video/image data in a high grade enterprise platform
  • Standardisation of risk based decision making for asset management based on insights from unstructured data such as Video and Image data
  • Minimised inspection time for each image/video data
  • Real Time decision making with Transmission and Distribution compliance driven transformation

Products Used

  • Bigquery
  • Cloud Storage
  • Pub/Sub
  • Cloud Functions
  • Google Kubernetes Engine
  • Virtual Private Cloud