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Embrace the Marketing Revolution: Your Essential Guide to Advanced Marketing Analytics on Google Cloud

May 11, 2023 | Zeeshan Aga

Blog / Embrace the Marketing Revolution: Your Essential Guide to Advanced Marketing Analytics on Google Cloud

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Embrace the Marketing Revolution: Your Essential Guide to Advanced Marketing Analytics on Google Cloud

In the past, businesses relied on systems of record to manage and store their data. However, as data volume is now doubling every 24 hours, we’ve moved towards systems of innovation to extract valuable insights from this vast pool of information. This shift has opened up a new world of possibilities in terms of driving business growth, customer engagement, and personalization.

Image Source: Gartner

Today, we’ll explore how to combine all this data, select the right data sources, and leverage AI and ML technologies to drive business growth. We’ll discuss best practices, challenges, and opportunities businesses face in this new era.

The evolving landscape of sales and marketing in the age of AI and ML

Image Source: Google Cloud 

Modern technologies are transforming sales and marketing by revolutionizing how businesses handle customer interactions, automate processes, and generate insights. They have enabled companies to make data-driven decisions, better understand customer needs, and create personalized experiences.

While customer relationship management (CRM) systems can help to centralize customer data, they may not provide the level of insights needed for advanced analytics. 

CRM systems are typically designed to manage customer interactions and transactions but may not be optimized for predictive analytics or machine learning.

💡  Advanced analytics, on the other hand, can help sales and marketing teams to gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior and preferences. 

By leveraging machine learning algorithms, teams can identify patterns in customer data and predict future behavior, such as which products or services a customer is likely to purchase next or which channels are most effective for engaging with a particular customer.

Top 3 ways advanced analytics helps sales and marketing teams

  • Identify customer segments:
    • By analyzing customer data across multiple platforms, teams can segment customers based on behavior, interests, and demographics.
    • This can help to personalize marketing messages and improve the effectiveness of targeted campaigns.
  • Predict customer behavior:
    • By analyzing historical data, teams can build predictive models to forecast customer behavior.
    • It can help to identify which customers are most likely to churn or which products are most likely to be popular in the future.
  • Optimize marketing campaigns:
    • By tracking customer interactions across multiple channels, teams can identify the most effective channels for engaging with different customer segments.
    • This can help to optimize marketing campaigns and improve ROI.

Hyper Personalized User Experience with AI and ML

Companies like Amazon and Netflix use AI and ML to overcome these challenges for personalized experiences and targeted marketing strategies. Amazon leverages ML algorithms to predict customer preferences and personalize product recommendations, while Netflix employs AI-powered algorithms to analyze user viewing patterns, preferences, and interactions to create personalized content recommendations, resulting in higher viewer engagement and retention.

💡  Emerging technologies, such as natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and deep learning, help extract insights from unstructured data

  • NLP enables machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language, aiding businesses in analyzing customer feedback and reviews. 
  • Computer vision techniques analyze images and videos to identify customer preferences and trends based on visual content. 
  • Deep learning enables machines to learn from vast amounts of data, driving innovation in sales and marketing.

The benefits and ROI of implementing AI-driven sales and marketing initiatives are significant


  • Companies can see an increase in ROI by 30-50% through improved targeting, personalization, and automation.
  • They can also experience a 10-20% improvement in customer engagement, a 5-15% increase in customer acquisition rates, and a 20-30% increase in operational efficiency.

Google Cloud for Marketing Analytics: Unlocking the Potential of the MarTech Stack



  • Get all your marketing data from different sources in one place 
  • Blend with Google Trends, Weather, Adtech, and any other data sources 
  • Unlimited data storage capabilities 
  • Fully automated data flows 

Google Cloud for Marketing Analytics is a game-changing solution designed to help businesses maximize the value of their marketing technology (MarTech) stack.

By integrating with existing MarTech tools, Google Cloud provides unparalleled data storage, processing, and analysis capabilities that unlock new opportunities for marketers.

This powerful solution is suited for marketing teams across various industries who want to leverage advanced analytics and machine learning to drive growth and stay ahead of the competition.


One of the essential components of Google Cloud for Marketing Analytics is BigQuery. 

💡  BigQuery allows marketing teams to create a marketing data lake, consolidating disparate marketing data from various sources such as CRM, web analytics, social media platforms, and ad platforms into a single unified source.

Pluto7’s Planning in a Box platform integrates seamlessly with BigQuery, providing an autoscaling event processing system that loads data directly into the data lake

This integration ensures that marketers have access to the most up-to-date insights to make data-driven decisions.

With a consolidated data lake in place, marketing teams can leverage BigQuery’s machine learning-powered audience segmentation pipeline to derive valuable insights. 

For instance, marketers can analyze customer behavior patterns, preferences, and demographics to create highly targeted marketing campaigns.

Benefits of BigQuery for Marketers

Attribution Modeling

Attribution is critical for understanding the effectiveness of marketing efforts and the customer journey. The biggest challenge in attribution lies in accurately identifying which touchpoints contribute most to conversions, given the complexity of multiple channels and devices. Traditional methods often result in skewed results, leading to inefficient marketing strategies.

💡  BigQuery simplifies attribution modeling by consolidating data from various channels and devices, enabling marketers to process large volumes of data and build accurate models.

For example, one of our retail customers uses BigQuery to analyze how a combination of social media ads, email marketing, and in-app promotions contribute to a customer’s decision to purchase. Analyzing the impact of each touchpoint, they can optimize their marketing mix, ensuring the right message reaches the customer at the right time.

Customer Segmentation

BigQuery enables advanced customer segmentation by leveraging machine learning and AI algorithms to identify patterns, trends, and preferences among customers.

💡  Traditional customer segmentation methods, such as demographic-based clustering, no longer provide the granularity and relevance needed in today’s fast-paced, data-driven marketing landscape.

In the retail industry, for example, a brand can use BigQuery to analyze purchasing patterns, browsing behavior, and customer interactions, identifying distinct segments based on preferences, such as budget-conscious shoppers or luxury enthusiasts. 

By understanding these nuanced segments, marketers can create hyperpersonalized campaigns and experiences, ultimately driving higher engagement and conversions.

Real-time Campaign Optimization

The ability to react quickly to campaign performance is enormously important for maximizing marketing ROI. BigQuery’s real-time processing capabilities allow marketing teams to assess the performance of campaigns as they unfold, providing a competitive edge.

Imagine an e-commerce company running a flash sale
Using BigQuery to analyze real-time data on website traffic, conversion rates, and customer feedback, the marketing team can identify bottlenecks or underperforming channels and make immediate adjustments, such as reallocating ad spend or refining messaging.

Discovering New Customer Insights

In addition to reacting quickly to campaign performance, BigQuery can also help marketing teams discover new customer insights they may not have been aware of before.

Marketers can gain a deeper understanding of customer preferences and behaviours by analyzing data from various sources, such as customer behaviour on the website, social media interactions, and feedback surveys in a single, consolidated view. 

For instance, by analyzing customer data from multiple channels, such as website traffic, social media engagement, and email open rates in one consolidated view, marketers can identify trends and patterns that can help them better understand their customers’ needs and preferences. 

With this new insight, marketers can adjust their campaigns and messaging to better align with their customers’ preferences, leading to improved engagement and conversion rates.

Google Trends & Google Adtech Datasets

By integrating Google Trends data with Google Adtech, marketing teams can access a wealth of insights to fine-tune their strategies. With the help of Pluto7’s expertise in creating custom dashboard views, marketing teams can visualize real-time data in lots of different ways, including: 

  • Identifying and capitalizing on emerging trends by creating targeted campaigns and tailoring product offerings to meet customer interests.
  • Using seasonal patterns to align campaigns with customer needs, ensuring better engagement and relevance.
  • Monitoring industry-related keywords and competitor search trends, adjusting marketing strategies to exploit market gaps and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

Similarly, with Google Adtech, marketing teams can: 

  • Optimize ad targeting and bidding strategies based on real-time search trends and competitor performance data.
  • Track the effectiveness of marketing efforts in real-time, making data-driven adjustments to strategies as needed.
  • Gain valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior, allowing for the creation of more personalized and effective marketing campaigns.

Traditional Marketing vs. AI-Driven Marketing

Traditional Marketing

AI/ML Use Cases for Marketing Analytics

In the realm of Marketing Analytics, AI and ML have emerged as transformative forces, opening up an ocean of possibilities. With a vast array of use cases at our disposal, the challenge is to identify those that offer quick implementation and rapid value realization.

In the following section, we’ll dive into five select use cases, each a pebble picked from the vast ocean of AI/ML possibilities in marketing. Our selection is guided by the ease of implementation, time-to-value, our practical experiences with customers, and insights gathered through engaging conversations with marketing leaders.

While these examples merely skim the surface of potential applications, they offer a glimpse into the transformative power of AI/ML in Marketing Analytics, and how it can redefine industry standards and push the boundaries of what’s achievable.

Combining data sources for a 360-degree customer view

In the past, marketers relied on customer interviews and behavioral experts to study customer motivations and preferences. This approach, while valuable, was time-consuming and often provided a limited view of the customer. 

Today, the landscape has changed dramatically. We now have access to a wealth of data generated through clicks, likes, cart additions, and time spent on websites, among other metrics. These digital footprints offer invaluable insights into customer behavior, enabling businesses to better understand and cater to their target audience.

💡  However, customers interact with brands across multiple platforms, and their behavior may vary from one channel to another. In order to create a complete and quantifiable picture of each customer, a robust model is required to aggregate all the disparate data points.

This is where the 360degree customer view comes into play. By unifying data from CRM systems, web analytics, social media platforms, email marketing, and other sources, this model provides a comprehensive and actionable understanding of customers, allowing marketers to create tailored and impactful campaigns.



Using AI/ML to predict customer behavior and automate recurring jobs

Predictive analytics is an innovative and increasingly popular approach in marketing, yet it remains relatively unheard of in many business circles. By harnessing AI and ML technologies, predictive analytics allows businesses to forecast customer behavior and preferences, enabling them to make well-informed decisions and optimize their marketing strategies. 

What to Predict: Types of predictions

  • Customer churn: Identify customers at risk of leaving and proactively engage with them
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV): Forecast the total revenue a customer will generate over their entire relationship with a business
  • Purchase propensity: Predict the likelihood of a customer making a purchase within a specified time frame
  • Product recommendations: Determine which products or services are most relevant to a customer based on their behaviour and preferences.

Example: Reducing Customer Churn with Machine Learning 

For many years, marketers have been focused on reducing customer churn, as retaining existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. 

In the past, marketers had limited tools, relying on basic segmentation, historical trends, and manual analysis to predict and prevent customer churn. 

These traditional methods were time-consuming and could not accurately predict customer churn, leading to missed opportunities and suboptimal retention strategies.

Today, with advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence, marketers can revolutionize their approach to reducing churn. 

Machine learning models can process vast amounts of data, identify complex patterns, and make granular predictions in real-time, significantly improving the accuracy and efficiency of churn prediction. This enables businesses to proactively identify high-risk customers and develop targeted retention strategies that cater to their unique preferences, behaviors, and needs.

Using Machine Learning, you can set up a self-monitoring process to automatically predict churn and personalize retention campaigns. 

🏗️  Step 1: Data collection and preprocessing

  • Compile data on customer demographics, purchase history, support interactions, product usage, and engagement with marketing campaigns.
  • Clean, preprocess, and normalize the data to ensure it’s ready for analysis.

⚙️ Step 2: Feature engineering and selection

  • Identify relevant variables (features) that could potentially impact churn risk.
  • Create new features from the existing data, such as aggregating metrics or calculating ratios, to capture more nuanced patterns.
  • Select the most important features that contribute to the model’s predictive accuracy.

👟 Step 3: Model training

  • Split the data into training and validation sets to prevent overfitting and ensure the model generalizes well to new data.
  • Train the ML model using the selected features and historical customer churn data.

🔨 Step 4 : Model evaluation and refinement

  • Evaluate the model’s performance on the validation set using relevant metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.
  • Refine the model by adjusting hyperparameters or selecting different algorithms if necessary.

🔮 Step 5 : Churn risk prediction

  • Use the trained model to predict churn risk for each customer in real-time.
  • Continuously update and refine predictions as new data becomes available.

🌐 Step 6: Dynamic customer segmentation

  • Segment customers based on their predicted churn risk (e.g., low, medium, high).
  • Develop targeted retention strategies for each risk segment.

🎁 Step 7: Personalized retention campaigns

  • Design highly targeted campaigns for high-risk customers, considering their unique preferences, behaviors, and needs.
  • Examples include personalized offers, exclusive loyalty programs, and improved support experiences.

🔎 Step 8: Real-time monitoring and optimization

  • Continuously track the impact of retention campaigns on customer churn rate, revenue, and ROI.
  • Analyze performance data to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.
  • Iterate and optimize retention strategies to maximize their effectiveness.

Once the churn prediction model is set up, it has the potential to automate several aspects of customer retention, making it a valuable asset for businesses of all sizes, including large companies. The automation enabled by the churn model can provide numerous benefits and streamline processes for various stakeholders.

Benefits of the Churn Prediction Model

Automated churn risk prediction:

  • The model can automatically predict customer churn risk in real-time, saving time and resources that would have been spent on manual analysis

Automated customer segmentation:

  • The model can automatically segment customers based on their predicted churn risk, enabling marketing and customer success teams to focus their efforts on high-risk customers and develop targeted retention strategies

Automated campaign personalization:

  • The model can be integrated with marketing automation platforms to automatically trigger personalized campaigns for high-risk customers, such as exclusive promotions or proactive support outreach

Automated performance monitoring:

  • The model can help automate the tracking and analysis of retention campaign performance, providing real-time insights into the impact on customer churn rate, revenue, and ROI

The customer churn prediction model is just one of many potential use cases for machine learning in the context of marketing and customer relationship management. By leveraging AI and ML technologies, businesses can develop models to address a wide range of challenges and optimize various aspects of their marketing and sales efforts.

💡  An ML model can be trained to solve multiple use cases, such as lead scoring, product recommendation, or customer lifetime value prediction, and seamlessly integrate with existing CRM systems. This integration allows businesses to utilize ML-driven insights directly within their CRM, streamlining their workflows and enhancing decision-making.

Integrating an ML Model with a CRM

Let’s consider an example where a machine learning model for lead scoring is integrated with a company’s CRM system. 

The end-user, such as a sales representative, will see the results of the lead scoring model directly in the CRM, helping them prioritize their efforts and focus on high-potential leads.

Steps Involved:  

Model setup and integration

  • Develop an ML model for lead scoring, which predicts the likelihood of a lead converting into a customer based on various factors, such as demographics, engagement with marketing materials, and website behavior.
  • Integrate the lead scoring model with the company’s CRM system, allowing the model to process and analyze data stored within the CRM.

Automated lead scoring

  • The ML model automatically processes new leads as they enter the CRM, generating a lead score that reflects the predicted conversion likelihood
  • Lead scores are continuously updated as new data becomes available, ensuring that sales representatives always have the most accurate and up-to-date information

End-user experience in the CRM

  • Sales representatives can view the lead scores directly within the CRM, alongside other relevant lead information such as contact details, interaction history, and notes
  • As sales representatives engage with leads and update their information in the CRM, the model continues to refine its predictions, enabling a continuous feedback loop that enhances the accuracy and effectiveness of the lead scoring process

Optimizing Marketing Campaigns with Advanced Analytics

Brands, especially those in retail and CPG industries, strive to connect deeply with their consumers and develop meaningful relationships. To achieve scale, reach, and personalization in their marketing campaigns, they need to harness the power of connected data and gain a holistic view of all channels.

Identifying the most effective channels for customer engagement

Utilizing BigQuery enables brands to aggregate and analyze vast amounts of data from multiple sources simultaneously, surpassing the capabilities of traditional CRMs. This comprehensive approach allows marketers to:

  • Assess the effectiveness of each channel by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), such as click-through rate, conversion rate, cost per acquisition, and ROI
  • Gain insights into customer engagement patterns across various channels, including email, social media, search, display, and content marketing

Hyper-personalization: Insights, Segmentation, and Personalized Communication

Hyperpersonalization is the process of tailoring marketing communications and experiences to individual customers based on their unique preferences, behavior, and needs. By leveraging insights from data analytics and advanced segmentation techniques, brands can deliver highly personalized marketing messages and offers that resonate with their target audience, ultimately driving customer loyalty and increasing revenue.

Generating Insights

To achieve hyper personalization, brands must first collect and analyze data from a variety of sources, such as purchase history, browsing behavior, customer demographics, and social media interactions. By integrating this data using Google Cloud tools, such as BigQuery, marketers can:

  • Identify unique customer preferences and needs
  • Recognize patterns and trends in customer behavior
  • Gain b into customer pain points and motivations

Creating Segments

Based on the insights generated, marketers can then create highly granular customer segments. These segments can be based on various factors, such as:

  • Demographics: age, gender, location, income, etc.
  • Psychographics: interests, values, lifestyles, etc.
  • Behavioral data: purchase history, browsing behavior, etc.
  • Engagement metrics: email opens, click-through rates, social media interactions, etc.

For example, a CPG brand could create segments like eco-conscious consumers, value-driven shoppers, and premium buyers based on their purchase patterns, preferences, and demographics.

Personalizing Communication

Once segments are established, brands can tailor their marketing communications to address the unique preferences and needs of each group. This can be achieved through various tactics, such as:

  • Customized offers: Delivering exclusive discounts, deals, or promotions to specific segments based on their preferences and behavior. For instance, a brand could offer eco-conscious consumers a discount on sustainable products.
  • Personalized content: Crafting marketing messages and creatives that resonate with each segment’s unique interests and values. Value-driven shoppers could receive content highlighting the cost savings of a product, while premium buyers may appreciate messaging focused on product quality and luxury.
  • Targeted channel strategy: Engaging customers through their preferred communication channels, such as email, social media, or SMS, to maximize the chances of a successful interaction.
  • Contextual marketing: Aligning marketing messages with real-time events or situations, such as holidays, seasonal changes, or trending topics, to ensure the content is timely and relevant.

Crafting Data-Driven Campaigns

Creating exceptional marketing campaigns requires brands to harness the power of diverse consumer data and utilize innovative Google Cloud AI tools, such as translation, visual analytics, and natural language processing (NLP). By tapping into these resources, marketers can:

  • Analyze search analytics data to identify trending keywords and topics, enabling the creation of highly relevant and timely campaign messaging
  • Use translation tools to ensure culturally sensitive and linguistically accurate messaging for global audiences
  • Leverage visual analytics and Cloud Vision API to analyze user-generated content, guiding the design of engaging and impactful visual assets for social platforms
  • Employ Natural Language API to monitor online comments and feedback about the campaign and ads, providing an opportunity to adjust messaging and tactics based on real-time audience response

Maximizing ROI with Google Ad Tech Data

Google Ad Tech data, derived from Google’s Analytics platform such as Google Analytics (GA4) and Google’s advertising platforms such as Google Ads and Google Display Network, offers a treasure trove of information for marketers seeking to optimize their marketing spend and maximize return on investment (ROI). By harnessing the power of Google Ad Tech data, brands can develop sophisticated strategies that deliver measurable results.

  • Data-Driven Channel Selection for Improved ROI

Google Adtech data reveals crucial insights about how each marketing channel performs in terms of cost, engagement, and conversions. Marketers can use this information to allocate their budgets towards high-performing channels and away from underperforming ones. 

For example, if Google Ad Tech data shows that display advertising generates a higher ROAS than search advertising for a specific campaign, reallocating budget towards display advertising can boost overall ROI.

  • Bid Optimization to Maximize ROI

Google Adtech data provides insights into factors affecting ad performance, such as bidding strategies and ad placements

By analyzing this data, marketers can fine-tune their bids to secure the most cost-effective ad placements, resulting in a higher ROI.

For instance, by identifying the optimal time of day, day of the week, or device type for ad placements, marketers can adjust their bids accordingly to maximize cost-efficiency and overall returns.

  • Audience Targeting for Increased Conversion Rates

Google Adtech data offers in-depth information about audience demographics, interests, and behaviors. Marketers can leverage this data to create granular audience segments and develop hyper-targeted campaigns.

For example, if the data shows that a specific age group or geographic location responds better to a particular ad creative, marketers can tailor their campaigns to cater to that audience segment, boosting engagement and conversions.

Integrating Sales and Marketing Data for Improved Decision-Making

The integration of sales and marketing data is essential for informed decision-making and driving business growth. 

💡  Google Cloud Cortex, a powerful data integration tool, allows organizations to seamlessly bring together data from various sources, such as SAP and Salesforce, enabling advanced analytics on Google Cloud.

By utilizing Pluto7’s Planning in a Box platform, businesses can efficiently integrate their sales and marketing data for comprehensive analysis.

This integration not only benefits marketing and sales teams but also impacts other stakeholders, such as demand planners and procurement teams. By having access to a unified view of sales and marketing data, these teams can:

  • Identify trends and patterns in sales performance and customer behavior.
  • Make informed decisions about product assortment, pricing, and promotions.
  • Optimize inventory levels, and reducing stockouts.
  • Collaborate more effectively and align on key objectives and strategies.

Advantages of data integration for the Sales team

  • Enhanced Sales Forecasting: It allows sales teams to gain a better understanding of historical trends, customer preferences, and market conditions. This enables more accurate sales forecasting, which helps the team set realistic targets, allocate resources efficiently, and prioritize high-potential opportunities.
  • Better Lead Scoring and Prioritization: Integrating marketing data, such as lead engagement and customer behavior, with sales data helps sales teams identify high-quality leads that are more likely to convert. 
  • Improved Customer Segmentation: Blending sales and marketing data enables sales teams to develop a granular understanding of customer segments. They can identify patterns in purchasing behavior, preferences, and pain points, enabling them to tailor their sales approach and messaging to resonate with each segment.

The opportunities are boundless. Sales teams can also leverage predictive analytics for customer acquisition. Some of the possibilities here are: 

  • Analyze historical sales and marketing data to predict future customer behavior.
  • Identify high-value customer segments that are more likely to convert.
  • Develop targeted marketing campaigns to attract and retain these high-value customers.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing strategies and tactics in driving customer acquisition and sales growth.

The key to thriving in today’s increasingly competitive and dynamic business environment lies in cultivating a data-driven culture that empowers sales and marketing teams to work in unison. 

By combining their insights and focusing on overarching business objectives, organizations can unlock boundless potential and achieve unprecedented success.

In this new era of data-driven decision-making, the convergence of sales and marketing data is more than just a strategic advantage; it’s an essential catalyst for organizational growth.

Marketing Analytics with Planning in a Box

Planning in a Box is a cutting-edge, Google Cloud Cortex-Enabled data platform developed by Pluto7, designed to simplify planning processes for marketing, sales, and supply chain teams. This powerful platform offers an array of features tailored for marketing teams, allowing them to:

  • Focus on insights while the platform takes care of data engineering and data analysis
  • Automate data flow pipelines and integrate data from various sources such as ERP systems, CRM, and social media
  • Leverage Google Cloud Cortex Framework for seamless data connection and blending
  • Build a robust digital marketing platform on the cloud

Accessing BigQuery and other data analytics tools for advanced AI/ML analytics

As one of Google’s top partners for data analytics, Pluto7 has deep expertise in incorporating BigQuery and other Google Cloud Platform (GCP) tools to deliver advanced AI/ML analytics. This enables businesses to:

  • Utilize BigQuery for large-scale data analysis and real-time insights
  • Leverage AI/ML capabilities for predictive analytics and intelligent decision-making
  • Implement advanced analytics techniques for more accurate targeting and personalization

Gaining insights across marketing, sales, operations, and supply chain

With Planning in a Box, organizations can gain valuable insights across various departments, including marketing, sales, operations, and supply chain. The platform allows businesses to:

  • Blend internal data with external sources such as Google Trends, Google Weather, and Google Adtech data
  • Obtain a comprehensive view of the entire organization, leading to more informed decision-making
  • Identify opportunities for cross-functional collaboration and optimization 

Improving operational efficiency and ROI with Google Cloud

By leveraging Planning in a Box and Google Cloud, organizations can significantly enhance their operational efficiency and ROI. This is achieved through:

  • Seamless integration with Google Cloud tools for maximum performance and scalability
  • Deep knowledge of the cloud landscape, enabling optimization at every step of the way
  • Streamlined planning processes, enabling teams to focus on driving growth and innovation

Planning in a Box is an all-in-one data platform solution for businesses looking to simplify their planning processes and gain a competitive edge in today’s data-driven world. 

With its robust features and seamless integration with Google Cloud, this powerful platform enables organizations to unlock valuable insights, improve operational efficiency, and drive higher ROI across various departments.


In the ever-evolving digital era, businesses must adopt a forward-thinking approach, breaking free from conventional marketing methods to stay competitive. Embracing data-driven marketing strategies is no longer just an option; it’s a necessity for brands striving for success. 

To thrive in this dynamic landscape, businesses must be agile, adaptable, and willing to adopt advanced marketing analytics. By doing so, they can unlock new levels of growth and efficiency. 

If you’re ready to embark on this journey, Pluto7, a Google Cloud Premier Partner, is here to help you every step of the way.

For a free consultation on how to get started with advanced marketing analytics and harness the power of Google Cloud, get in touch with Pluto7 today. Embrace the future and transform your marketing strategies to stay ahead in the game.


Zeeshan Aga, CMO of Pluto7, brings a deep understanding of supply chain, retail, and manufacturing to his role. He develops and executes innovative marketing strategies that drive business growth and enhance customer satisfaction. He is dedicated to unlocking the full potential of AI/ML tools for marketing excellence and delivering exceptional customer experiences.

Connect with Zeeshan on LinkedIn