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What are the top Gemini Use Cases In Supply Chain today?

April 15, 2024 | Tarun Kumar

Blog / What are the top Gemini Use Cases In Supply Chain today?

Google Cloud Next 2024 is making waves, and it’s all thanks to a string of exciting updates. But, as Thomas Kurien revealed in his keynote, the real star of the show is “Gemini.” Gemini, Google’s large language model (LLM), is designed for tasks that involve building contextual relationships between vast and seemingly disconnected datasets. 

In a parallel announcement, Google revealed the public preview availability of Gemini 1.5 Pro—its most sophisticated LLM to date—in 180 countries. What this essentially means is that Gemini is going to be the lifeblood supplying oxygen across Google Cloud’s tools, apps, databases, and more. And Google made it amply evident yesterday when they released Gemini for accelerated software development, managing application lifecycle, data analytics, security – and pretty much everything under the radar.

The atmosphere is electrifying at Google Cloud Next ‘24.

What does it mean for you? 

The rise of Generative AI means our work tools are getting smarter, making tasks easier and insights deeper. This shift is crucial because it’s leveling up how we work and compete. With advanced tools, your competitors might gain an edge with better coding, sharper analytics, and increased visibility. You can’t afford to lag behind.

For those already within the Pluto7 ecosystem, you would automatically get the benefit of Gen AI customized to your specific use case(s), depending on your subscription plan.  If you are not, here are five ways you can start benefiting from the power of Gemini across various departmental functions in marketing, sales, finance, and supply chain. 

1. Boosting Customer Acquisition with Hyper-Personalized Campaigns

Situation: A potential customer lands on your website after clicking a YouTube ad, browses through several categories but leaves without making a purchase. The challenge is to convert this interest into a sale.

Using Gemini’s capabilities within Pluto7’s Decision Intelligence Platform CX Sense, we can understand the customer’s journey and preferences. Gemini analyzes the visitor’s behavior, identifying patterns and interests from their browsing history. Leveraging this insight, CX Sense crafts hyper-personalized follow-up campaigns, targeting the customer with highly relevant content and offers that resonate with their explored interests. 

2. Enhancing Customer Engagement and Forecasting with AI

Situation: A sales team struggles to predict customer needs and tailor their pitches effectively, leading to missed opportunities and a lower conversion rate.

Integrating Gemini into sales workflows, such as through Salesforce, enables sales representatives to generate real-time insights and personalized sales pitches based on a customer’s interaction history and preferences. Gemini can analyze past interactions, product inquiries, and customer feedback to forecast future needs and tailor suggestions accordingly. 

3. Predicting the Impact of External Factors on Demand 

Situation: A demand planner wants to understand how a recent trend might affect product sales in the next few days.

Leveraging Gemini’s capabilities within Pluto7’s Decision Intelligence Platform, Planning in a Box, demand planners can sift through historical sales data, social media sentiment, and market trends to forecast the impact of recent events on future sales. Using this insight, planners can adjust their strategies proactively, ensuring that supply meets anticipated demand shifts. 

4. Real-time Inventory Optimization

Situation: An inventory planner needs to adjust stock levels efficiently in response to fluctuating demand but lacks real-time data to make informed decisions.

We harness Gemini’s capabilities within Planning in a Box to process and analyze extensive datasets from a variety of sources, such as sales trends, seasonal fluctuations, and supply chain disruptions. This approach benefits planners, who are spared the need to write code or engage in time-consuming data modeling and analysis. Instead, they can simply ask specific questions regarding inventory levels and, in return, receive real-time, actionable recommendations for optimal stock adjustments. 

5. Optimizing Cash Flow Management

Situation: The finance department needs to optimize cash flow to meet short-term obligations and funding growth, requiring accurate predictions of cash flow trends influenced by market conditions, customer payments, and expenses.

With Planning in a Box, powered by Gemini, the finance team can quickly see where cash flow stands and where it’s headed. They simply ask questions about future cash, considering things like market trends and customer payments. In return, they get clear predictions and advice on keeping finances balanced for both today’s needs and future growth.

And the list of possibilities can go on and on. If you’re keen to dive deeper into the capabilities of Gen AI and explore what it can do for your organization, don’t hesitate to reach out to me here.

And, while you’re here, why don’t you let me know in the comments what excites you most about Gemini? 


Tarun Kumar, VP of Global Sales at Pluto7, is an MIT-endorsed Senior Data Architect with deep expertise in Google Cloud solutions. He has spearheaded data platform adoptions for diverse organizations, championing supply chain transformations with Gen AI. As an Agile Scrum Master and TOGAF® 9 Professional, Tarun seamlessly bridges tech innovation with tangible business value.

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